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+55 (11) 3294-6044
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+55 (31) 3261-7747
+55(61) 3329-6099

Tiago de Mattos

Tiago de Mattos Silva


Graduated in Law from the Federal University of Minas Gerais, with graduate studies in Procedural Law at the Catholic University of Minas Gerais and with an LL.M in Socioeconomic and environmental Sustainability from the Federal University of Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais.

Also studied at the prestigious Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy, subordinated to the University of Dundee, Scotland, taking the course in Mining Agreements.

President of the Brazilian Institute of Mining Law – IBDM, member of the Rocky Mountain Mineral Law foundation – RMMLF, and Associate Director of the Department of Mines and Energy of the Lawyer Institute of Minas Gerais – IAMG.

Coordinator and professor of the extension course in Mining Law at the Institute of Higher Studies in Law – IAED, in partnership with the Center of International Law – CEDIN and professor of the discipline Mining Agreements in the graduate course in agreements of this same institution.

Also professor of the graduate course in Environmental Law at the University Center of UNA and Continued Education in Law – CAD, in the discipline Mining Law.

Author of many legal articles related to mining law, co-author of the books Mining Law Dictionary in English and Portuguese, and one of the organizers and authors of the book on controversial aspects of mining and environmental law – Aspectos Controvertidos do Direito Minerario e Ambiental.

Has been active for over ten years in the coordination of operations for the purchase and sale of mining assets, conducting proceedings with regulatory agencies, participating in administrative, judicial and arbitration litigation in the mining field, litigation consultancy and practice related to CFEM (royalty tax) and other issues concerning mining taxation, development of legal opinions involving mining law and related issues, and consultancy in environmental licensing for mining projects.

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