São Paulo
+55 (11) 3294-6044
Belo Horizonte
+55 (31) 3261-7747
+55(61) 3329-6099

Institutional Relations

Institutional and governmental relations for natural resource production chains

In view of the impact of political and administrative decisions in the business environment, companies are no longer able to act reactively.

Federal, state and local authorities often create technical standards and regulations that could interfere with the mineral sector, including general technical standards, local regulations, laws on land use and land parceling, transportation, work safety, creation of an environmental conservation unit, as well as general mineral and environmental standards.

  • Numerous stalled bills have returned to the National Congress.
  • City council chambers have taken on a similar stance.
  • Environmental bodies constantly review environmental licensing standards.
  • Environmental communities and non-governmental organizations have become more powerful.

The growing importance of Institutional and Governmental Relations is no surprise. However, this signals an irreversible trend: specialization.

Our firm is in a great position to advise and assist on issues related to governmental policies with respect to natural resource production chains.


  • Reviewing and preparing legal opinions on bills and proposed regulations;
  • Proposing amendments and convincing lawmakers to approve such amendments;
  • Following-up of legislative and normative proposals;
  • Preparing strategies to convince and preserve a good relationship with stakeholders;
  • Participating in public referenda;
  • Participating in public hearings;
  • Creating debating spaces for discussion of subjects relevant to the sector;
  • Preparing materials to be published in books, newspapers and magazines;
  • Providing guidance on possible impacts of regulatory proposals on the company;
  • Providing strategic planning for managing mineral resources based on regulatory trends and risks.
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